Currenty I'm in the process of creating websites (mvc) with VS 2015.
Im setting up my home development environment.
I want to be able to host my repository as an mvc website, so that I can see the working running version of my project/mvc website. The repository is inside a directory called trunk (only visible from SVN Server). However I dont know how this can be done.
Can anyone provide me any insights? Can it be done with IIS straight from the repository or do I need to publish from repository to IIS explicitly?
You would need to publish your source/assemblies to a server location with IIS that has a front-facing IP Address ( There are some free hosting options for Asp.Net if you do a little searching or check the Microsoft spot:
You can setup a trigger process to update the website every time you check-in/commit code if you truly need a matching version of the website in real-time with your code commits. Although this is rarely a good idea in single-developer scenarios it might be a good workflow. Don't do this if the public/customers are accessing your site :)
Possible solution to actually hosting within VisualSVN as well: How do I browse an old revision of a Subversion repository through the web view?