Well, my problem is: I have to return the size of the larger sequence between two given strings.
My code at the moment:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(System.in));
while (true) {
String word1 = br.readLine();
if (word1 == null) {
String word2 = br.readLine();
int lengthWord1 = word1.length();
int lengthWord2 = word2.length();
int max = 0;
if (word1.equals(word2) || word2.contains(word1)) {
max = lengthWord1;
} else if (word1.contains(word2)) {
max = lengthWord2;
} else {
int j = 1;
int maxLength = Math.max(lengthWord1, lengthWord2);
int counter = 0;
String largerWord;
String smallestWord;
if (maxLength == lengthWord1) {
largerWord = word1;
smallestWord = word2;
} else {
largerWord = word2;
smallestWord = word1;
int minLength = smallestWord.length();
int oldMax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxLength - 1; i++) {
while (maxLength + 1 != j) {
String x = largerWord.substring(i, j++);
int lengthOfReplace = smallestWord
.replace(x, "").length();
if (minLength == lengthOfReplace) {
if (max != 0) {
i = counter;
if (smallestWord.contains(
x.substring(x.length() - 1))) {
max = Math.max(minLength - lengthOfReplace, oldMax);
oldMax = max;
Some inputs and their expected outputs:
All inputs above are working perfect with my code, but it's still failing in some cases (maybe because it has duplicate letters, I don't know)..
Example of incorrect output:
So, I'm stucked now, any help is appreciated.
You are looking for the Longest common substring problem
Here is the code in java
public static int longestSubstring(String str1, String str2)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (str1 == null || str1.isEmpty() || str2 == null || str2.isEmpty())
return 0;
// ignore case
str1 = str1.toLowerCase();
str2 = str2.toLowerCase();
// java initializes them already with 0
int[][] num = new int[str1.length()][str2.length()];
int maxlen = 0;
int lastSubsBegin = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < str2.length(); j++)
if (str1.charAt(i) == str2.charAt(j))
if ((i == 0) || (j == 0))
num[i][j] = 1;
num[i][j] = 1 + num[i - 1][j - 1];
if (num[i][j] > maxlen)
maxlen = num[i][j];
// generate substring from str1 => i
int thisSubsBegin = i - num[i][j] + 1;
if (lastSubsBegin == thisSubsBegin)
// if the current LCS is the same as the last time
// this block ran
// this block resets the string builder if a
// different LCS is found
lastSubsBegin = thisSubsBegin;
sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(str1.substring(lastSubsBegin, i + 1));
return sb.toString().length();