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How do I return the json data from a multi table?

I am using C# web service + Linq to SQL Classes + Return JSON Data.

For example my table:


Data from this table return JSON:


I want to make this application using C#?


  • Create New Class for Combine Class:

    public class BadgeVoleModel
        public List<Badge> BadgeList = new List<Badge>();
        public List<VoleType> VoleTypeList = new List<VoleType>();

    Create Method (return string) for handle get data from DataContext and populate data to BadgeVoleModel, and call from Controller that method.

        public string GetData()
            var data = new Models.BadgeVoleModel();
            data.BadgeList = db.Badges.ToList();
            data.VoleTypeList = db.VoleTypes.ToList();
            var result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
            return result;

    And for Deserialize Data:

        public Models.BadgeVoleModel DeserializeData(string data)
            var result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert
            return result;