I see a lot of complex examples for converting a DataTable with multiple-member rows here but in my case, the query simply returns one column from a table, that is to say 0..N strings/varchars, such as:
I thought something like this should work:
DataTable UnitReportPairEmailValsDT = new DataTable();
string qry = string.Format(SQL.UnitReportPairEmailQuery, unit, rptId);
UnitReportPairEmailValsDT = SQL.ExecuteSQLReturnDataTable(
List<String> emailAddresses = new List<string>();
foreach (string emailaddr in UnitReportPairEmailValsDT)
...but it won't compile ("foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'System.Data.DataTable' because 'System.Data.DataTable' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'")
I tried appending ".AsEnumerable" to "in UnitReportPairEmailValsDT" too, but that also provoked the wrath of the compiler.
Error says you cannot loop through DataTable
object itself, probably what you need is looping through DataRows
Use this.
foreach(DataRow row in UnitReportPairEmailValsDT.Rows)
emailAddresses.Add(row["emailaddr"].ToString()); // assuming you have emailaddr column.
Other option, use Linq
emailAddresses = UnitReportPairEmailValsDT
.Select(row=> row.Field<string>("emailaddr"))