My Program to calculate the largest prime factor of 600851475143, is stuck and never stops during compilation and execution. Does anyone know why it does not finish execution?
#include <stdio.h> //Edited the #includes(typo) to #include
int main (void)
long long int num = 600851475143 ;
long long int factorCount;
long long int bigFactor;
for ( long long int i=1 ; i <= num; i+=2 )// Iterating through all numbers from 2, smaller than or equal to num
if ( num % i == 0) // If the number "i" is a factor of num i.e. If "i" perfectly divides num
factorCount = 0;
//checking whether a factor "i" , is a prime factor of num
for ( long long int j=2; j <= i ; j++ ) // Iterating through all numbers from 2, smaller than or equal to "i"
if ( i % j == 0) // If the number "j" prefectly divides or is a factor of "i"
factorCount++; //Add 1 to factorCount
if ( factorCount == 1 ) // If factorCount has not exceeded 1 i.e., the number "i" is a prime number
bigFactor = i;
printf("The largets prime factor of %lli is %lli\n",num,bigFactor );
return 0;
I am not sure whether I understood your question .. so you just want to get the biggest prime factor for a certain number? If this is the case, then just do the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUMBER 600851475143
int main (void)
long long int num = NUMBER;
long long int factor;
for (factor=2 ; num != 1; factor++) {
if (num % factor == 0) {
num = num / factor;
factor = factor-1;
printf("The largets prime factor of %lli is %lli\n",NUMBER, factor);
return 0;
Why this works: the first prime factor you find is the smallest prime factor of the number; the last prime factor is the biggest. Therefore once you have found a prime factor p, there does not exist a prime factor smaller than p, because otherwise you would have found that smaller prime factor before. Hence your next prime factor is greater equals p.