For a physics related calculation, I need to evaluate numerically a four dimensional integral that depends on several parameters that need to be varied; such that they can't be globally defined. I am using the Cuba package which provides the following function:
MAXEVAL, KEY,STATEFILE, SPIN,&nregions, &neval, &fail, integral, error, prob);
The argument "Integrand" is a function that is expected to be defined in the following fashion:
int Integrand(const int *ndim, const cubareal xx[],const int *ncomp,
cubareal ff[], void *userdata) ;
My problem is that I would like to integrate a function that depends on continuous parameters that I would like to vary within the program. What I mean by this is that my integrand function depends on several extra parameters, say a,b,c.
I would then like to define something like the Integrand function locally, i.e. in a scope where the parameters a, b and c are fixed, so that it will have the correct form to be passed as an argument to the Cuhre function.
I then thought that I could perhaps put everything into a class such as:
class integrate{
private: // parameters
int Integrand(...){
// calculation involving the parameters
and define the function as a method for that class. This however didn't work because I can't pass non-static object methods to a function, and, making the method static would also force me to make the parameters static which means I would not be able to initialise them within the program.
Is there any workaround to this?
[Edit: as you misunderstood the userdata pointer, as I see from the comments, let me show you how to use it:]
struct Parameters
int a, b, c; // TODO: appropriate defaults
int integrand
const int* ndim, const cubareal xx[],
const int* ncomp, cubareal ff[],
void* userdata
Parameters* p = reinterpret_cast<Parameters*>(userdata);
/* calculations using p->a, p->b, p->c */
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Parameters p;
/* fill in parameters appropriately, e. g. parsing command line parameters */
Cuhre(/* other parameters */, &integrand, &p, /* remaining parameters */);
My previous solution remains as an alternative...
.cpp file:
int g_a = 0; // appropriate default values...
int g_b = 0;
int g_c = 0;
void setIntegrationParameters (int a, int b, int c)
g_a = a;
g_b = b;
g_c = c;
int integrand
const int* ndim, const cubareal xx[],
const int* ncomp, cubareal ff[],
void* userdata
/* calculations using g_a, g_b, g_c */
.h file:
void setIntegrationParameters (int a, int b, int c);
int integrand
const int* ndim, const cubareal xx[],
const int* ncomp, cubareal ff[],
void* userdata
And from within your main program, you can e. g. parse command line parameters to calculate a, b, c and set them as parameters for the integration via setIntegrationParameters.
(You could do exactly the same with C code, of course then using C-Casts and static global variables instead of anonymous namespace...)