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Upload image after JavaScript changes

I have a Drupal-7 website, and I have created a module, where you upload an image and preview the image before submitting it.

<img id="blah" src="sites/all/themes/my_theme/logo.png" alt="default image" />

Then, I have some buttons, that call a JavaScript function onclick and dynamically change the border of the uploaded image.

Now, what I want, is that when the user uploads the image, then he submits the form and I upload his image with the border he chose.
How can I achieve that?
The submit button and the image upload are called via a php form at my .module file


  • It is very common algorithm, with many examples in internet, suppoerted browsers are 10 ie and all modern browsers.

     1. Convert user selected file to image (img.src = URL.createObjectURL(userSelectedFile))
     2. Load image to html5 canvas (canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(image,0,0,width, height)) 
     3. Draw Border on html5 canvas (canvas.getContext("2d").drawRectangle(0,0, width, height))
     4. Convert canvas to blob (canvas.toBlob(function(blob){/** use new blob **/}))
     5. Upload this blob to server by xhr or xhr + FormData