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How to run multiple tags from testrunner class file in cucumber framework using @tags?

@CucumberOptions( plugin = {"pretty","html:target/html/automation"},
                features = {"resource/***.feature"},

This is my feature files


Feature: Login to Application

Scenario: this is verify the application is logged successfully Given Navigate to Panasonic application Then Verify the title of the application Then Logout the application


Feature: Login to Application

Background: user should be navigate to home page of application

Given User login to home page with valid credentials

When click the catalog link on home page

Scenario : To verify whether able to create more than ten products in products page

And check the sub menu of catalog is displaying in header

And check the My product catalog table


  • Here's a sample cucumber Junit runner template:

    @CucumberOptions(features = { "classpath:features/*.feature" }, glue = "packagename(s) or class name(s) containing the step definitions", plugin = {
            "pretty:target/prettyReport.txt", "html:target/cucumber", "json:target/cucumber.json", "rerun:target/rerun.txt",
            "junit:target/junit-report.xml", "testng:target/testng-output.xml" }, monochrome = true, tags = {"~@Ignore"})
    public class FeatureRunnerTest {

    Hope this helps!!
    EDIT: "~" used for negation..that is run all the features except one's marked with Ignore tag..On the other hand u can specify list of tags in the tags attribute comma seperated to run only those tests