Okay, so keyResource pulls data from my C# controller as a List of comma separated values. When the button is clicked, the console does log this data but when I set the alasql query to keyResource or to data it says datasource 0 is undefined.
.controller("ExportAllController", function($scope, $http, keyResource){
$scope.exportAll = function ($scope) {
keyResource.exportAll().then(function (data) {
alasql('SELECT * INTO CSV("AllDictionaryItems.csv",{headers:true}) FROM ?', []);
This is what I currently have ^
These are what I have tried:
.controller("ExportAllController", function($scope, $http, keyResource){
$scope.exportAll = function ($scope) {
keyResource.exportAll().then(function (data) {
alasql('SELECT * INTO CSV("AllDictionaryItems.csv",{headers:true}) FROM ?', [$scope.exportAll]);
.controller("ExportAllController", function($scope, $http, keyResource){
$scope.exportAll = function ($scope) {
keyResource.exportAll().then(function (data) {
alasql('SELECT * INTO CSV("AllDictionaryItems.csv",{headers:true}) FROM ?', [keyResource]);
.controller("ExportAllController", function($scope, $http, keyResource){
$scope.exportAll = function ($scope) {
keyResource.exportAll().then(function (data) {
alasql('SELECT * INTO CSV("AllDictionaryItems.csv",{headers:true}) FROM ?', [data]);
I'm not sure how to do this because when the console is logging the data, I don't know why it's not working when I'm exporting to CSV?
Your current method will not work because you are not passing any data for it to export.
The reason, I think, your last attempt did not work because your data
structure is wrong
Have a look at below jsfiddle I create, which shows how to create csv from array of string or array of json object.
see if you try construct your data
into one of the structure, and you should be able to export csv file