Is there a way to override the softdeletable behaviour with KNPLabs DoctrineBehaviors from a controller?
In my action, I would like to be able to momentarily "disable" the softdeletable behaviour so I can truly remove my entity from the database instead of just setting the deletedAt
nifr kindly gave me an answer on Github:
Quick 'n dirty:
$entityManager = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager('default'); $eventManager = $entityManager->getEventManager(); // remove the softdeletable subscriber $subscriber = $this->get('knp.doctrine_behaviors.softdeletable_subscriber'); $eventManager->removeEventListener($subscriber->getSubscribedEvents(), $subscriber); // remove entity while the subscriber is removed $entityManager->remove($entity); $entityManager->flush(); // add back the subscriber $eventManager->addEventSubscriber($subscriber);
This triggers the error "you have requested a non-existent service
", because the service is not public.
To resolve this issue, according to nifr, 2 possible solutions:
1) define your controller itself as a service and inject the subscriber-service explicitly
2) create a factory-service that would return the subscriber service and call that one in your controller