I'm working on an e-reader app (using skyepub) that basically downloads encrypted books into the file system (and it saves is decryption key in the database), and when the user tries to read it it loads the book into memory and decrypts it.
The problem is that some books have their first chapter truncated (epub books are actually zip files, with each chapter being a separate file).. this result in this dreaded error:
this XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below
I've verified that the encrypted book is downloaded properly, b/c if I copy the file over to my desktop (from my rooted android) and run this command on it:
openssl aes-192-cbc -d -K *** -iv *** -in test.epub.encrypted -out test.epub
it works just fine. However if i pretty much try to do the same with the following android code
public ContentData getContentData(String baseDirectory, String contentPath) {
if( contentPath.startsWith("/fonts/")) {
... // handle font suff
int secondSlash = contentPath.indexOf('/', 1);
if( secondSlash == -1) return null;
String bookEditionID = contentPath.substring(1,secondSlash);
String zipEntryName = contentPath.substring(secondSlash+1);
final ContentData data = new ContentData();
try {
InputStream stream = dbUtil.getBookStream(bookEditionID);
if( stream == null) return null;
final ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(stream);
ZipEntry entry;
do {
entry = zip.getNextEntry();
Log.e("Abjjad","looping through entry: "+entry);
if( entry == null) {
return null;
} while( !entry.getName().equals(zipEntryName));
Log.e("debug","going through data with entry: " +entry+", contentLength: "+entry.getSize());
see the method dbUtil.getBookStream
public InputStream getBookStream( String bookEditionId) {
BookInfo book = getBookInfo(bookEditionId);
InputStream origStream = null;
try {
// Open the downloaded ePub
origStream = openFileInput(bookEditionId + ".epub");
// De-obfuscate the key
SecretKeySpec sks = getObfuscationKeySpec(bookEditionId);
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding", "BC");
c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sks);
byte[] decodedBytes = c.doFinal(Base64.decode(book.decryptionKey, Base64.DEFAULT));
String keyPair = new String(decodedBytes);
// Split the key and parse into binary
int separator = keyPair.indexOf(':');
byte[] key = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(keyPair.substring(0, separator));
byte[] iv = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(keyPair.substring(separator + 1));
c = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding","BC");
c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key,"AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv));
return new CipherInputStream(origStream, c);
} catch( Exception e) {
try {
if (origStream != null) origStream.close();
} catch( Exception x) {}
return null;
then the log of entry.getSize() returns -1
in the first code block.
we wrote the same code in iOS, and it works perfectly (on the same book):
+ (NSData *)encryptKey:(NSString *)key ivParam:(NSString *)iv bookId:(NSString *)bookId
NSString *keyPair = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", key, iv];
NSString *secret = [self getObfuscationSecretWithValue:bookId];
NSData *data = [keyPair dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
char keyPtr[kCCKeySizeAES128];
bzero(keyPtr, sizeof(keyPtr));
[[NSData dataWithHexString:secret] getBytes:keyPtr length:sizeof(keyPtr)];
NSUInteger dataLength = [data length];
size_t bufferSize = dataLength + kCCBlockSizeAES128;
void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
size_t numBytesEncrypted;
CCCryptorStatus status = CCCrypt(kCCEncrypt, kCCAlgorithmAES, kCCOptionPKCS7Padding | kCCOptionECBMode, keyPtr, kCCKeySizeAES128,
[data bytes], [data length],
buffer, bufferSize, &numBytesEncrypted);
if (status == kCCSuccess) {
return [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:numBytesEncrypted];
else {
return nil;
i noticed that this truncation happens only after reading the toc (which seems like the last chapter from the above?).. from the logs:
getInputStream: /24748681/OEBPS/toc.ncx
looping through entry: mimetype
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/content.opf
looping through entry: OEBPS/images/978-614-425-313-7-hayat-ghayr-cover.png
looping through entry: OEBPS/images/978-614-425-313-7-hayat_fmt.png
looping through entry: OEBPS/template.css
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-2.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-1.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-3.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-4.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-5.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-6.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-7.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-8.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-9.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-10.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-11.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-12.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-13.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-14.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-15.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-16.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-17.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-18.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-19.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-20.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-21.html
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-22.html
looping through entry: META-INF/container.xml
looping through entry: OEBPS/images/277.png
looping through entry: OEBPS/toc.ncx
going through data with entry: OEBPS/toc.ncx, contentLength: 5549
returning data
getInputStream: /24748681/OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html
looping through entry: mimetype
looping through entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html
going through data with entry: OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html, contentLength: -1
returning data
According to the docs, getSize() may return -1 if the size is unknown. This definitely happens in some zip files. In those cases, you'll need to read the entire entry in order to determine its uncompressed size.
First of all the whole encryption decryption thing was a red herring.. simply copying the same epub/zip file and reading it using the same code resulted in the same page.. so this is a problem with the zip file itself rather than the decryption of it
As mentioned in the java doc, reading a zip file can actually return -1 if the content is unknown (which is exactly what's going on here).. as a matter of fact, we got the same zip file, unzipped it (on command line) then rezipped it with an increased compression level like so:
zip -9 -r filename.epub *
then we fed the same zip file to the existing code and it worked perfectly!
So this is the final code that worked:
try {
InputStream stream = abjjadDb.getBookStream(bookEditionID);
if( stream == null) return null;
final ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(stream);
ZipEntry entry;
do {
entry = zip.getNextEntry();
if( entry == null) {
return null;
} while( !entry.getName().equals(zipEntryName));
data.contentLength = entry.getSize();
data.lastModified = entry.getTime();
data.contentPath = contentPath;
InputStream s = zip;
if( data.contentLength == -1) {
Log.e("demo",new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName()+":: entry \""+entry+"\" has contentLength -1, so we will work around");
ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int nRead;
// use buf to store data from the zip file entry in fixed size
byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
while ((nRead = zip.read(buf)) != -1) {
// dump that data into buffer, which is a growing buffer
buffer.write(buf, 0, nRead);
byte[] finalBuffer = buffer.toByteArray();
Log.e("demo",new Object(){}.getClass().getEnclosingMethod().getName()+":: entry \""+entry+"\" final data length: "+finalBuffer.length);
data.contentLength = finalBuffer.length;
s = new ByteArrayInputStream(finalBuffer);
final InputStream finalStream = s;
and the logs give us this
getContentData:: entry "OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html" has contentLength -1, so we will work around
getContentData:: entry "OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html" final data length: 2378
getContentData:: entry "OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html" has contentLength -1, so we will work around
getContentData:: entry "OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html" final data length: 2378
interestingly.. that size makes an exact match with the actual content length of that file hayat-ghayr
if we run this on the command line:
$ unzip -l b17c024e-89f1-42f7-a546-91d46610cedb.epub
Archive: b17c024e-89f1-42f7-a546-91d46610cedb.epub
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
20 01-27-12 11:17 mimetype
2378 04-20-12 10:12 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr.html
6436 02-06-12 11:06 OEBPS/content.opf
112579 01-27-12 11:25 OEBPS/images/978-614-425-313-7-hayat-ghayr-cover.png
182575 01-27-12 11:25 OEBPS/images/978-614-425-313-7-hayat_fmt.png
7757 01-27-12 11:21 OEBPS/template.css
5643 01-27-12 11:18 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-2.html
20144 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-1.html
65543 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-3.html
59434 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-4.html
66768 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-5.html
49117 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-6.html
65346 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-7.html
74196 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-8.html
73998 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-9.html
61031 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-10.html
68297 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-11.html
72084 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-12.html
2386 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-13.html
61132 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-14.html
46320 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-15.html
32673 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-16.html
88584 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-17.html
56474 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-18.html
52840 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-19.html
80022 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-20.html
50781 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-21.html
2765 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/hayat-ghayr-22.html
265 01-27-12 11:17 META-INF/container.xml
54942 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/images/277.png
5549 01-27-12 11:17 OEBPS/toc.ncx
1072 03-23-12 13:28 iTunesMetadata.plist
-------- -------
1529151 32 files