Consider the following code snippet
var allRows = element.all(by.repeater('row in items'))
This returns an array
of repeater items. So, how do I debug this variable in console. When I do console.log(allRows)
, I get the following in console not the array with html
{ ptor_: { controlFlow: [Function],
schedule: [Function],
setFileDetector: [Function],
getSession: [Function],
getCapabilities: [Function],
quit: [Function],
actions: [Function],
touchActions: [Function],
executeScript: [Function],
executeAsyncScript: [Function],
call: [Function],
wait: [Function],
sleep: [Function],
getWindowHandle: [Function],
getAllWindowHandles: [Function],
getPageSource: [Function],
close: [Function],
getCurrentUrl: [Function],
getTitle: [Function],
findElementInternal_: [Function],
findElementsInternal_: [Function],
takeScreenshot: [Function],
manage: [Function],
switchTo: [Function],
WebDriver {
session_: [Object],
executor_: [Object],
flow_: [Object],
fileDetector_: null },
element: { [Function] all: [Function] },
'$': [Function],
'$$': [Function],
baseUrl: '',
rootEl: 'html',
ignoreSynchronization: false,
getPageTimeout: 100000,
params: {},
Promise {
flow_: [Object],
stack_: null,
parent_: null,
callbacks_: null,
state_: 'fulfilled',
handled_: true,
value_: null,
queue_: null },
{ pluginConfs: [],
pluginObjs: [],
assertions: {},
resultsReported: false },
resetUrl: 'data:text/html,<html></html>',
trackOutstandingTimeouts_: true,
mockModules_: [ [Object] ],
allScriptsTimeout: 100000,
getProcessedConfig: [Function],
forkNewDriverInstance: [Function],
restart: [Function] },
So how do I debug the actual variable which should contain all the html rows. I couldn't find the option for it in the debugging docs.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
have the following markup.
I need to view the entire thing in console
I think you are looking for getOuterHtml()
-- which will print out the entire element tag (html attributes included) of the specified element. For example,
it('prints element', function () {
var el = element(by.model('username'));
el.getOuterHtml().then(function (val) {
This produces: