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coldfusion : Regex to match words and replace & change link

I have to challenges in regex.


How can i replace href="" If in my HTML [Click here]. for example: <a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration: none; color: #fff;">Click here</a>

Replace With

<a target="_blank" href="##" style="text-decoration: none; color: #fff;">Click here</a>


In My HTML i have to search keyword ** ^mytag^ ** and replace with a value. currently im replacing one by one in loop.

Current Code: #replace(MYHTMLcontent,"^mytag^","Name","All")#

Is there a way if i can search all my html keywords which is in my case something like ^keyword^ and add in add in structure.


EDITED: Adding my new code what im working on im stuck if some-one can help me. it is replacing all links in my HTML.

 <cffunction name="htmlurl" returntype="any" >
    <cfargument name="aHTMLTemplate" required="yes" type="any" default="">
    <cfargument name="addr" required="yes" type="any" default="">  <!--- OR ## --->
    <cfset regex    = createObject("java", "java.util.regex.Pattern").compile('href=\"[^\"]+\"')>
    <cfset result   = createObject("java", "java.lang.StringBuilder").init()>
    <cfset var htmlcont     = arguments.aHTMLTemplate />
    <cfset var toReplaceURL = arguments.avolurladdr />

    <cfset matcher  = regex.matcher(htmlcont)>
    <cfset last     = 0>

    <cfloop condition="matcher.find()">
        <cfset result.append(
     <cfset token =
            javaCast("int", ( matcher.groupCount() gte 1 ? 1 : 0 ))

            <cfset token = ("<a href='"& toReplaceURL & "'")>

        <cfset result.append(token)>

        <cfset last = matcher.end()>
    <cfset result.append(htmlcont.substring(last))>
    <cfset result = result.toString()>
    <cfreturn result>


  • Well, I don't know anything about Coldfusion. But using pure Java, you could do something like this:

    Question 1:

    String replaced = "";
    if(element.matches("<a [^>]+>Click here</a>") {
      replaced = element.replaceAll("href=\"[^\"]+\"", "href=\"##\"");

    The regex checks, if the given String is a link with Click here. Then, it replaces everything between "..." of href with ##.

    Question 2:

    String replaced = element.replaceAll("\^[^\^]+\^", "NAME");

    The regex checks, if theres some ^anything^ anywhere and replaces that by NAME. If you're not familiar with regex: the part between [ and ] matches on anything which is not a ^. Looks kinda funny, though.

    I hope this answer will help you.