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Sonarqube Generic Coverage - Where are the results?

I have a project where I import my unit test results with the Generic Coverage Plugin. My code is written in Javascript.

Now my problem is: I have this widget that contains the percentage of my successful tests. I can see that in every test file. But what I don't know is: Where are the results of each test? Where can I see which tests are failing?

I saw screenshots on the Internet, but I cannot find them in my sonarqube installation...


  • It's bit hidden. Clicking on the "Failures" link should display only test files which have failures: choose one test file. Then, next to the number of issues of the test file, there's a button for "More actions" (this same button is at the top right in this example running on 5.5) . Click on it and then on "Show Details" or "Show Measures": you should have a list of all tests with their status.