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Angularjs watch input binding change for Array when using ControllerAs

I have an AngularJs component having bindings to heroes, which is an array. How to watch this input for array changes? I tried $"heroes", ...) and $onChanges, but didn't work so far.

bindings: {
    heroes: '<',

Here is my plunker:


  • The ControllerAs structure needs a special watch expression, since the attributes are not on the $scope.

    //This one works and is the best one (> AngularJs 1.5)
    $scope.$watch("$ctrl.heroes.length", function () {
      console.log("ControllerAs syntax"); // Triggers once on init
    //This one works as well
    var ctrl = this;
    $scope.$watch(() => {
      return ctrl.heroes.length;
    }, (value) => {
      console.log("complex watch"); // Triggers once on init

    See example here: