So I want to make lowercase letters to uppercase with one condition, before the lowercase letter there must be space, but the problem is I can't check if the next char in the array(using +1) is a space or not.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void convertToUpper( char *array );
int main()
char x[] = "i believe i can do it";
return 0;
void convertToUpper( char *array )
while( *array != '\0' )
if( *( array + 1 ) != ' ' && *array == ' ' )
*( ++array) = toupper( *(array) );
You are simply convert the wrong character, because in your condition, *array
is space, you should convert the letter after it:
while(*array != '\0')
if( *(array + 1) != ' ' && *array == ' ')
*(array + 1) = toupper(*(array + 1));
This simple check won't work for the 1st char, if it should be upper case too, add following before the loop:
if (*array != ' ')
*array = toupper(*array)