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Dynamic Content Loading - HTML5 is OK, Dojo is not

I've got a situation where I am loading DIV's dynamically from a server with dojo.xhrGet. All that is fine. The content comes back fine, and the DIV is inserted into the page fine. Note that in this situation, I cannot know the DIV to load prior to some other event occurring.

The problem seems to be that DIJIT widgets contained within the dynamic DIVs aren't DIJIT widgets, but run-of-the-mill HTML widgets. That is, I can work on them using "dojo.byId('widgetID')" and use standard JavaScript, but if I try "registry('widgetID')", I get an "undefined" response.

How can I get dynamically loaded and otherwise declarative DIV code to be parsed into true DIJIT widgets?


  • You need to use dojo/parser after your markup div has been loaded to your DOM. The function parse() will transform your HTML markup from div to a dijit widget if the markup has been decorated properly.

    By the way dojo.xhrGet is Deprecated and you should use dojo/request/xhr instead.

    Below and example with some pseudocode:

    require(["dojo/request/xhr", "dojo/dom-construct"], function(xhr, domConstruct){
      xhr("example.json", {
        handleAs: "text" // or whatever
        // place your div to the dom (data is an html markup similar to this <input data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" type="text" name="dept1" />)
        var targetDom = 'targedDom';, targetDom, 'replace');
        // trasform your div to a dijit widget 
            // after is parsed do smt here
      }, function(err){
        // handle the error condition
      }, function(evt){
        // handle a progress event from the request if the browser supports XHR2