I want to run a stop watch form the beginning of my program
and log the time split of some intervals.
Which StopWatch should I prefer?
import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
For example:
Start -----> split 1 (1:00 min from split 0) ----> split 2 (0:30 from split 1) --> split 3 (0:35 from split 2)
and not
Start -----> split 1 (1:00 min from start) ----> split 2 (1:30 from from start) ----> split 3 (2:05 from from start)
Is there a more elegant way to do so than this?
stopWatch.getSplitTime() - lastSpiltTime;
last splitTime = stopWatch.getSplitTime();
Unfortunately, this is the only way. I had the same need, but Apache StopWatch does not have native support for this.
I did it a slightly different way:
private void lapWatchAndLog( StopWatch watch, String messageForLap ) {
LOGGER.info( String.format( "Time: [%s] %s", watch.getTime(), messageForLap ) );