currently im trying to develop smooth animation effect via hardware accelerated technique (DirectX or OpenGL), my current goal is very simple, i would like to move texture from point A to point B in given duration, this is classic way to animate objects,
i read a lot about Robert Penner interpolations, and for this purpose i would like to animate my texture in simpliest linear interpolation as described here:
Everything works, except that my animation is not smooth, it is jerky. The reason is not frame dropping, it is some double to int rounding aspects,
i prepared very short sample in C++ and SDL2 lib to show that behavior:
#include "SDL.h"
//my animation linear interpol function
double GetPos(double started, double begin, double end, double duration)
return (end - begin) * (double)(SDL_GetTicks() - started) / duration + begin;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
//init SDL system
//create windows
SDL_Window* wnd = SDL_CreateWindow("My Window", 0, 0, 1920, 1080, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS);
//create renderer in my case this is D3D9 renderer, but this behavior is the same with D3D11 and OPENGL
//load image and create texture
SDL_Surface* surf = SDL_LoadBMP("sample_path_to_bmp_file");
SDL_Texture* tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surf);
//get rid of surface we dont need surface anymore
SDL_Event event;
int action = 0;
bool done = false;
//animation time start and duration
double time_start = (double) SDL_GetTicks();
double duration = 15000;
//loop render
while (!done)
action = 0;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
switch (event.type)
case SDL_QUIT:
done = 1;
action = event.key.keysym.sym;
switch (action)
case SDLK_q:
done = 1;
//clear screen
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 255);
//calculate new position
double myX = GetPos(time_start, 10, 1000, duration);
SDL_Rect r;
//assaign position
r.x = (int) round(myX);
r.y = 10;
r.w = 600;
r.h = 400;
//render to rendertarget
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, tex, 0, &r);
return 0;
i suppose that jerky animation effect is related to my GetPos(...) function which works with doubles values, and im rendering via int values. But i cant render to screen in double because i obviously can't draw at 1.2px, My question is: do you know any technique or do you have some advice how to make that kind of animations (from, to, duration) smooth without jerky effect? Im sure that's definitely possible because frameworks like WPF, WIN_RT, Cocos2DX, AndroidJava all them supports that kind of animations, and texture/object animation is smooth, thanks in advance
edit as per @genpfault request in comments im adding frame by frame x position values, as int and double:
rx: 12 myX: 11.782
rx: 13 myX: 13.036
rx: 13 myX: 13.366
rx: 14 myX: 14.422
rx: 16 myX: 15.544
rx: 17 myX: 16.666
rx: 18 myX: 17.722
rx: 19 myX: 18.91
rx: 20 myX: 19.966
rx: 21 myX: 21.154
rx: 22 myX: 22.21
rx: 23 myX: 23.266
rx: 24 myX: 24.388
rx: 25 myX: 25.444
rx: 27 myX: 26.632
rx: 28 myX: 27.754
rx: 29 myX: 28.81
rx: 30 myX: 29.866
rx: 31 myX: 30.988
rx: 32 myX: 32.044
rx: 33 myX: 33.166
rx: 34 myX: 34.288
rx: 35 myX: 35.344
rx: 36 myX: 36.466
rx: 38 myX: 37.588
rx: 39 myX: 38.644
final update/solve:
What exactly i changed in SDL2 is far far beyound stackoverflow scope, but in next steps i writed some main points what should be done to avoid animation stuttering:
to avoid SDL_GetTick() and any other timing precision issues, i decided to change my interpolation step from time to frame dependency. For example to calculate animation duration im not using:
float start = SDL_GetTicks();
float duration = some_float_value_in_milliseconds;
i replaced that to:
float step = 0;
float duration = some_float_value_in_milliseconds / MonitorRefreshRate
and now im incrementing step++ after each frame render
of course it has some side effect, if my engine will drop some frames, then my animation time is not equal to duration because is more frame dependent,
of course this duration calculations are valid only when VSYNC is ON, it is useless when vblank is off,
and now i have really smooth and jerky free animations, with timeline functions,
@genpfault and @RafaelBastos thanks for your time and for your advices,
seems you need to subtract started from SDL_GetTicks()
Something like this:
(end - begin) * ((double)SDL_GetTicks() - started) / duration + begin
(end - begin) gives you the total movement
(SDL_GetTicks() - started) / duration
gives you the interpolation ratio, which multiplied by the total movement will give you the amount interpolated, which needs to be summed to the begin portion, so you can have the absolute interpolated position
if that's not it, then it is probably a rounding issue, but if you can only render with int precision, then I think you need to bypass sdl and render it using plain opengl or directx calls, which allow floating precision.