I have downloaded an API called "financequotes" for Java (Link: http://financequotes-api.com/) and have attempted to use it for a project. It has been imported into my class path and all the methods run, however when I ask for a stocks details
Stock s = new Stock("INTC");
I am given back all the details which should have been obtained online as null including name, currency, quote, etc.
Why is this?
ALTERNATIVELY - Could you suggest another finance API which is relatively simple to use to gather basic financial data?
The creator of the API has answered - Here was the problem
The code doesn't have a request to Yahoo Finance yet. There's 2 alternative ways to fix this.
Request it through the YahooFinance static methods
Stock stock = YahooFinance.get("INTC");
Force a refresh of the stock's quote by using the getQuote(boolean refresh) method
Stock stock = new Stock("INTC");
This will automatically also load/refresh the statistics and dividend data.