I'm seeing into alfresco default modules and templates. And most of them (at least that I looked in) starts with <@standalone>
directive. I searched it in docs, but have no result.
What does this specific directive means?
Is there any list of all alfresco's freemarker directives in their documentation or somewhere else?
The <@standalone>
directive is provided by the org.springframework.extensions.directives.StandaloneWebScriptWrapper class.
The full JavaDoc reads:
* <p>This FreeMarker Directive can be used as the outer-wrapper in a WebScript FreeMarker template to add the the
* {@link OutputCSSContentModelElement} and {@link OutputJavaScriptContentModelElement} instances into the {@link ExtensibilityModel}
* when the WebScript is not processed within the context of a {@link Page}. This ensures that any dependency files are
* loaded into the page.</p>
* <p>TODO: Currently this only outputs the JS and CSS deferred content model elements. This could be further enhanced to add
* additional content elements that set up the structure of a page</p>
* @author David Draper
There is no complete list of all the FreeMarker directives - either part of FreeMarker, Surf or Alfresco - that I am aware of.