I'm trying to implement a DiceThrowingGame which works fine. I have 2 classes currently which are "Player" and "Game". The code for the Game class is as below:
package dice.throwing.game; import java.util.Scanner;
public class Game {
private int winningPoints;
private Player player1, player2;
private boolean gameSetup;
private final String defaultWinningScore = "200";
public Game() {
this.gameSetup = false;
private int readScore(Scanner scanner) {
String score = "";
try {
score = scanner.nextLine();
if (score.isEmpty()) {
score = this.defaultWinningScore;
} catch (Exception e) {
return Integer.parseInt(score);
private Player createPlayer(Scanner scanner) {
String name = null;
do {
try {
name = scanner.nextLine();
if (name.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Name cannot be empty. Try again: ");
} catch (Exception e) {
} while (name.isEmpty());
return new Player(name);
private void startGame(Scanner scanner) {
System.out.println("Enter first player's name: ");
player1 = createPlayer(scanner);
System.out.println("Enter second player's name: ");
player2 = createPlayer(scanner);
System.out.println("Maximum score to win (<Enter> to use default 200): ");
this.gameSetup = true;
private void playOneRound() {
int p1r1, p1r2, p2r1, p2r2;
p1r1 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
p1r2 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
p2r1 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
p2r2 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
int p1Points, p2Points;
boolean p1Bonus = false, p2Bonus = false;
p1Points = p1r1 + p1r2;
p2Points = p2r1 + p2r2;
if (p1r1 == p1r2) {
p1Points *= 2;
p1Bonus = true;
if (p2r1 == p2r2) {
p2Points *= 2;
p2Bonus = true;
player1.setTotalPoints(player1.getTotalPoints() + p1Points);
player2.setTotalPoints(player2.getTotalPoints() + p2Points);
System.out.print(player1.getName() + " rolled " + p1r1 + " + " + p1r2 + ", and scored " + p1Points + " points");
if (p1Bonus)
System.out.println(" (BONUS!)");
System.out.print(player2.getName() + " rolled " + p2r1 + " + " + p2r2 + ", and scored " + p2Points + " points");
if (p2Bonus)
System.out.println(" (BONUS!)");
private void leaderBoard() {
int p1Points = player1.getTotalPoints();
int p2Points = player2.getTotalPoints();
if (p1Points == p2Points)
System.out.println("Both players have the same score (" + p1Points + ") at the moment");
else {
System.out.print(player1.getName() + "'s current score is " + p1Points);
if (p1Points > p2Points)
System.out.println(" <--- CURRENT LEADER!");
System.out.print(player2.getName() + "'s current score is " + p2Points);
if (p1Points < p2Points)
System.out.println(" <--- CURRENT LEADER!");
private void gameHelp() {
System.out.println("<ENTER SOME HELP TEXT HERE>");
private boolean isGameOver() {
int player1Points = player1.getTotalPoints();
int player2Points = player2.getTotalPoints();
if(player1Points == player2Points &&
player1Points > this.winningPoints) {
System.out.println("Game Over! It's a draw!");
return true;
} else if(player1Points > this.winningPoints && player1Points > player2Points) {
System.out.println("Game Over! " + player1.getName() + " is the winner!");
return true;
} else if(player2Points > this.winningPoints && player2Points > player1Points) {
System.out.println("Game Over! " + player2.getName() + " is the winner!");
return true;
return false;
private void eventLoop() {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int choice = 0;
boolean exit = false;
while (!exit) {
System.out.println("Welcome to my Dice-and-Roll Game!");
System.out.println("(1) Start a new game");
System.out.println("(2) Play one round");
System.out.println("(3) Who is leading now?");
System.out.println("(4) Display Game Help");
System.out.println("(5) Exit Game");
System.out.println("Choose an option: ");
try {
choice = Integer.parseInt(scanner.nextLine());
if (choice < 1 || choice > 5) {
System.err.println("Error : Choose an option between 1 and 5");
choice = 0;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.err.println("Error : Choose an option between 1 and 5");
choice = 0;
if (!this.gameSetup && (choice == 2 || choice == 3)) {
System.err.println("Error : Players have not been setup");
choice = 0;
switch (choice) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
exit = true;
if(this.gameSetup && this.isGameOver()) {
System.out.println("Exiting now.. See you later!");
exit = true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Game game = new Game();
public int getWinningPoints() {
return winningPoints;
public void setWinningPoints(int winningPoints) {
this.winningPoints = winningPoints;
But I want to move the DiceThrowing part of the code to another class called "Dice" which is this part:
private void playOneRound() {
int p1r1, p1r2, p2r1, p2r2;
p1r1 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
p1r2 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
p2r1 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
p2r2 = (int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
Confused on whether to put the whole playOneRound() method or just the Math.Random line?
To keep responsibilities and abstractions separate:
I would have a method Dice.getNumber()
which would return the result of
(int) (1 + ((Math.random() * 10) % 6));
You could also have a 2nd method that would return an array of dice throws with a nbOfThrows parameter.
Then the playOneRound() would involve the throw of the dice as many times as the games rules allow.