hopefully someone can help with me this:
Im trying to build and launch my ROS package within eclipse. I have followed the tutorial from the ROS homepage. So far eclipse has found the package and its dependencies. (Eclipse doesnt show any errors). Also it's possible to build the workspace without error, although I am not sure if it doing it correctly. When I'm trying to launch (I did a configuration file as the tutorial said) it shows following message:
< terminated > (exit value -1) stargazer_stargazer Configuration [C++ App] /home/.../app/gtest/libgtest.so
followed this tutorial: http://wiki.ros.org/IDEs#Reusing_your_shell.27s_environment
Figured it out. Seemed that the problem wasnt a problem. You have to configure your launch file at first in Eclipse so that Eclipse will be able to find the roslaunch in /bin folder.