I have MySQL Stored Procedure that returns a String using GROUP_CONCAT with around 1200 - 1300 characters. However, when the packet returned in my Java code, the length is reduced to 1023/1024.
I tried to increase the MySQL's max_allowed_packet to 524288000 and group_concat_max_len to 1000000000 but no luck.
Any idea regarding this matter?
Change parameter group_concat_max_len
for overcoming this limitation.
For that you can use following command
set session group_concat_max_len = 100000;
Please note that this change is session specific ie... temporary. So you have to execute above before your group_concat
For your information default value of group_concat_max_len is 1024.
Additional Information
You can also set using following query
set global group_concat_max_len = 100000;
Even if you used that, if you restart mysql you will miss that. If you want to make changes permanent please use following
In mysql configuration file, under [mysqld]
Then do a restart.