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How to do FFT on MatrixXd in Eigen?

It seems the code below is correct:

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/FFT>

int main ()
    Eigen::FFT<float> fft;
    Eigen::Matrix<float, dim_x, dim_y> in = setMatrix();
    Eigen::Matrix<complex<float>, dim_x, dim_y> out;

    for (int k = 0; k < in.rows(); k++) {
        Eigen::Matrix<complex<float>, dim_x, 1> tmpOut;
        fft.fwd(tmpOut, in.row(k));
        out.row(k) = tmpOut;

    for (int k = 0; k < in.cols(); k++) {
        Eigen::Matrix<complex<float>, 1, dim_y> tmpOut;
        fft.fwd(tmpOut, out.col(k));
        out.col(k) = tmpOut;

But this must specify the size of matrix in compile time, when I change the Matrix to MatrixXd, this has error when compiling. I want to know how could I do FFT on MatrixXd so I could specify the matrix size when it is running.


  • Change all your variables to Eigen::Dynamic size instead of hard coding them and it should work. Or, use the built-in types as such:

    #include <Eigen/Core>
    #include <unsupported/Eigen/FFT>
    int main ()
        size_t dim_x = 28, dim_y = 126;
        Eigen::FFT<float> fft;
        Eigen::MatrixXf in = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(dim_x, dim_y);
        Eigen::MatrixXcf out;
        out.setZero(dim_x, dim_y);
        for (int k = 0; k < in.rows(); k++) {
            Eigen::VectorXcf tmpOut(dim_x);
            fft.fwd(tmpOut, in.row(k));
            out.row(k) = tmpOut;
        for (int k = 0; k < in.cols(); k++) {
            Eigen::VectorXcf tmpOut(dim_y);
            fft.fwd(tmpOut, out.col(k));
            out.col(k) = tmpOut;
        return 0;