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Pull the current branch with Jenkins workflow multibranch plugin

I have set up Jenkins and I am using the Jenkins workflow multibranch plugin. I have configured it to listen for commits in a GitHub repo for any branch.

This is a sample of the Jenkinsfile committed in one of the branches:

node {
   // Mark the code checkout 'stage'....
   stage 'Checkout'

   // Get some code from a GitHub repository
   git url: '', credentialsId: '###'

   // Get the maven tool.
   // ** NOTE: This 'M3' maven tool must be configured
   // **       in the global configuration.
   def mvnHome = tool 'M3'

   stage 'Build'
   sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean install"

When I commit something in this branch a build is triggered. The problem is that git checkouts the master branch and not the branch that is building at the moment.

How can I checkout the branch for the current build?

The solutions so far

  1. Use checkout scm instead of git url: '', credentialsId: '###' This way you will checkout the current branch.
  2. Use the branch variable - check this for more info: Jenkins Multibranch pipeline: What is the branch name variable?


  • In your Jenkinsfile, add the name of the branch to checkout with the branch parameter on the git line:

    git {...}, branch: 'branch-name'

    Some build triggers set an environment variable that contains the branch name (e.g., Gerrit Trigger Plugin sets GERRIT_BRANCH), which would allow you to set branch to that environment variable instead of hard-coding per branch.