I use the following code :
// Datepicker / Timepicker jQuery Script
format : "YYYY-MM-DD"
}).on("dp.change", function (e) {
datetimepicker1 = $('#datetimepicker1').val();
How do I get my PHP form to get the variable 'datetimepicker1' on form submission to send it to my SQL database.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
as posted in the comments - you can do it through AJAX, or you can set a hidden input value in your form so that it passes with the rest of the form on submission. The following creates a hidden input which you would put into your existing form, and then on the change in the date-time picker, will add the value to this hidden input. The form can then submit as normal and the value will be passed with the rest of the form variables.
//input in form
<input type='hidden' name='new_dateTime' value='' />
// Datepicker / Timepicker jQuery Script
format : "YYYY-MM-DD"}
).on("dp.change", function (e) {
datetimepicker1 = $('#datetimepicker1').val();
$('[name = new_dateTime]').val(datetimepicker1);