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Spring rest controller result wrapping with JsonView / MappingJacksonValue

I have a Spring API that allows the user to specify the JsonView of each call using a view param like so:


I then use Spring's MappingJacksonValue to set the correct view dynamically instead of using @JsonView() annotation and finally I just return the MappingJacksonValue instance which produces something along the lines of

    { id: 1 },
    { id: 2 }

I can't for the life of me figure out how to easily wrap my MappingJacksonValue instances in an ObjectNode so that I can change all API results from the snippet above to this

    "data" : [
        { id: 1 },
        { id: 2 }

I tried using a regular HashMap<> but that didn't work - the serialization completely ignores the MappingJacksonValue view and it also produces Map-specific results

    data: {
        value: [],
        serializationView: "com.blah.models.view.View$Id",
        filters: null,
        jsonpFunction: null

So can someone pls let me know what's the best way to achieve result wrapping in my scenario?

Thanks in advance!


  • If anyone comes across this post looking to do the same thing, I realized I was looking at the problem in the wrong way. I ended up creating a ServiceResponse class and wrapped up the object in there like so

    public class ServiceResponse {
        private Object data;
        public ServiceResponse (Object data) {
   = data;

    So essentially instead of returning new MappingJacksonValue(someReturnObject) I'm returning new MappingJacksonValue(new ServiceResponse(someReturnObject)). This way everything is wrapped nicely in a data JSON object and the setSerializationView method still filters my objects properly.

    Hope this helps someone.