I try to wrote a Automation in JScript. If i bin done with creating the structure of 'Package b' then i need the subpackages from 'Package b' in 'Package a' for creating a diagramm of something.
is it possible to clone a Subpackage of for example 'package b' to 'package a'with the API? The Subpackage is a package which includes a lot subpackage more. need not only the "Master"-Subpackage but the complete structure of the package tree of my subpackage.
Package a
Package b
--> subpackage b.1
-->subpackage b.1.1
-->subpackage b.1.2
-->subpackage b.1.3
-->subpackage b.1.3.1
-->and so on....
Use package.clone()
which inserts a copy of the package into the same parent as the original package and returns the newly-created package.