I have two application at two app servers both under same domain name but different application context.For example :-
i hit http://testApp.com/app1
say jession 100 is created from server and send back to browser. Now whenever app1 hits same jsession will travel as part of request header.
So far so good. Now app1 redirect the request to app2 http://testApp.com/app2
Still i see same jession travels. Is it not wrong ?
As per mine understanding, jsession is unique for domain/port/ApplicationContext. So why same jessionId is trevalling across application context ?
I am using firefox as browser and weblogic as app server.
A cookie travels with the header when: 1. same domain 2. the path of cookie matches the request context or is the prefix of the request context.
In your case, it would be helpful to check jsessionid's path option, see if it is wrong.