I want to use Linux if condition in CMakeLists.txt by add_custom_command(...) for i need run these if condition and do some judgement in makefile. Like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_custom_target(temp_target ALL)
add_custom_command(TARGET temp_target
COMMAND if ["a" != "b"]; then echo 1; fi;
What should i do if i want to use
if ["a" != "b"]; then echo 1; fi;
when make a makefile? Thanks a lot for you help!
You may specify one-line shell code with using /bin/sh -c
as COMMAND argument:
COMMAND /bin/sh -c "if [ 'a' != 'b' ]; then echo 1; fi;"
Note, that [
is an extension of the bash, it may be unknown for simple shells like "dash".