I really need your help. I have searched and tried every example I could use, but none have worked.
I need to store current date in YYYY-MM-DD format in a text file..the String date
has to be a string..
String dateF = "YYYY-MM-DD";
Date dateOnly = new Date();
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateF);
String date = dateFormat.format(dateOnly);
when I tried that code above.. this the output I got
please help me...this is my assignment due this Friday ): I just need this date and 2 other things to be done.. thanks :)
Format being used is incorrect.
YYYY-MM-DD : Capital DD will return Day in the year. So, 11 April corresponds to 110th day in the year.
yyyy-MM-dd : Small dd will return the Day in the month.
Refer: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html