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JsViews Checkbox binding from an inner loop

I am trying to get a two way binding for a checkbox in an inner loop using JsViews

Not sure if this is possible.

<div id="targetSelection"></div>
<script id="targetItem" type="text/x-jsrender">
  <div id="answers_{^{:fieldName}}" class='collapse'>
    {^{for answers ~fieldName=fieldName}}
      <input type="checkbox" data-fieldName="{{>~fieldName}}" data-index="{{:index}}" data-link="{:selected}" checked="{^{:selected}}" /> {{:text}} : {^{:selected}}
    <br /> {{/for}}
  <br />

and the JS code:

var target = [{
  "fieldName": "GENDER",
  "text": "Gender",
  "answers": [{
    "index": 1,
    "text": "Male"
  }, {
    "index": 2,
    "text": "Female"
  }, ]
}, {
  "fieldName": "AGE",
  "text": "Age",
  "answers": [{
    "index": 1,
    "text": "15-19"
  }, {
    "index": 2,
    "text": "20-24"
  }, {
    "index": 3,
    "text": "25-29"
  }, {
    "index": 4,
    "text": "30-34"
  }, {
    "index": 5,
    "text": "35-39"
  }, {
    "index": 6,
    "text": "40-44"
  }, {
    "index": 7,
    "text": "45+"
  }, ]

$.each(target, function(questionIndex, question) {
  $.each(question.answers, function(answerIndex, answer) {
    answer.selected = true;


I am also trying to fire an event when the checkbox is changed

Thanks in advance


  • Did you check the JsViews docs? You are calling the render() method, not the link() method, and are using jsrender.js not jsviews.js!

    So you need to load jsviews.js as in Example page, and then write: $.templates("#targetItem").link("#targetSelection", target);


    Once you have read the basics, you can continue along the lines of:

    {^{for answers}}
        <input type="checkbox" data-link="selected" />
        {{:text}} : {^{:selected}}
      <br />

    For the event, there are a few options including to bind directly to the input change event, or listen to observable changes in your data etc. ( See the examples...

    Here is a working version

    I also changed: <div id="answers_{^{:fieldName}}" class='collapse'> to <div data-link="id{:'answers_ + fieldName" class='collapse'> - as explained in this tutorial sequence.