I have a jquery that multiplies the price to quantity. Now I wanted to multiply the total of that to how many orders a costumer would place. Where would I insert my multiplication code? Here's how i envisioned the equation would be total=(price*quantity)*numberoforders. Here's a jfiddle of what I cant eloquently explain
Here's my code:
<input type="checkbox" name="drink[]" class="drink" value="DrinkName1" data-price="12" /> Sample Item
<input min="0" max="5" type="number" class="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="drink[]" class="drink" value="DrinkName2" data-price="6" /> Sample Item
<input min="0" max="5" type="number" class="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="drink[]" class="drink" value="DrinkName3" data-price="4" /> Sample Item
<input min="0" max="5" type="number" class="quantity" name="quantity" value="1" />
Quantity of Orders
<input min="0" max="5" type="number" class="totalquant" name="quantity" value="1" />
<div id="totalDiv">0</div>
$('.quantity, .drink').change(calculateTotal);
function calculateTotal() {
var $form = $(this).closest('form'), total = 0;
$form.find('.drink:checked').each(function() {
total += $(this).data('price') * parseInt($(this).next('.quantity').val() || 0, 10);
$('#totalDiv').text(total)* parseInt($(this).siblings('.totalquant').val() || 0, 10);
Appreciate all the help
I've made some changes on your code here https://jsfiddle.net/k91d23p6/3/
Basically, you have to multiply the total
by the totalQuant
after the forEach
//query the DOM once, instead of on every change
var $form = $('form'); //on a real app it would be better to have a class or ID
var $totalQuant = $('.totalquant', $form);
var totalDiv = $('#totalDiv');
$('.quantity, .drink, .totalquant', $form).change(calculateTotal);
function calculateTotal() {
var total = 0;
$form.find('.drink:checked').each(function() {
total += $(this).data('price') * parseInt($(this).next('.quantity').val() || 0, 10);
var totalQuant = total * parseInt( $totalQuant.val() || 0, 10);