On the sonarqube server (Version 5.4) I have created a new quality profile for C# and I have enabled some rules like "CA1001: Types that own disposable fields should be disposable". I have defined this new profile as default and I have associated the quality profile to the only project I have on the sonarqube server. I have installed sonarlint extension version 2.1 on my Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. I can connect to my sonarqube server and I have clicked on bind.
A new ruleset has been configure for every project in my solution.
My issue is that rules CAXXXX (ex: "CA1001: Types that own disposable fields should be disposable") configured on my quality profile are not configured in Visual Studio.
Did I miss something?
You're not missing anything, you're just hitting a known limitation: SVS-64 - Connected Experience doesn't sync FxCop rules .
Long story short (quoting the related discussion):
The first release of the connected experience only works with Roslyn-based analyzers