So I found this amazing codepen animation that animates a "water filling" effect to any text provided via the <text>
tag using (GSAP i think)
Codepen Screenshot Below
My question: How would I go about using a .PNG Image instead of HTML text to achieve the same results?
For example
Instead of the current code:
<text id="text" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 -8.0684 116.7852)" font-family="'Cabin Condensed'" font-size="161.047">LOADING</text>
I was looking to do something more along the lines of
<img src="LOADING.png" id="text" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 -8.0684 116.7852)" width="569" height="186">
Example of Loading .PNG IMG one could use: (same dimensions as <img>
snippet above)
Thanks for any help! Not best with this stuff and would love to use the effect!
Here is an SVG of the png file posted above if that works better:
Here's a pen ,
there's a cors problem embedding on codepen from external resource (if you are serving form same domain you can overcome this ... )
but once you have your path inline it's a breeze, just changed the id to text
and the script will do it's job.
for adjusting the animation change the TweenMax.fromTo