I have succeeded in creating separate stack, data, and code segments under TASM using the SEGMENT
directive, but something still bothers me. When the following code is assembled with Turbo Assembler 2.0, TLINK produces a binary whose size is in the neighborhood of 90KB.
myStack segment para stack 'stack'
db 0FFFFh dup (?)
ends myStack
myData segment para 'data'
msg db 'Memes!$'
db 7FFFh dup (?)
ends myData
myCode segment para 'code'
assume cs:myCode
assume ss:myStack
mov ax,myData
mov ds,ax
push offset msg
call write
add sp,2
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+4]
mov ah,9h
int 21h
pop bp
ends myCode
end start
Now it seems to me that the MZ file format should enable an .exe to specify that it requires memory allocation beyond what is actually contained in the binary image (via the min/max paragraphs of memory allocated in addition to the code size entry I'm guessing).
So my question is: how does one coax the assembler/linker into generating an .exe with the appropriate header for allocating memory without directly including placeholder values in the binary image?
Been a while, but I think you can achieve what you are trying to do by placing the code segment first. Then place all the initialized data at the start of the data
segment followed by all the uninitialized data in the data
segment followed by the stack segment which is all uninitialized. Since all the uninitialized data has been forced to the end, it won't be necessary to allocate any of the space in the file.
Your code would probably give you the results you want if it looked like:
myCode segment para 'code'
assume cs:myCode
assume ss:myStack
mov ax,myData
mov ds,ax
push offset msg
call write
add sp,2
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov dx,[bp+4]
mov ah,9h
int 21h
pop bp
ends myCode
myData segment para 'data'
msg db 'Memes!$' ; Initialized data first
db 7FFFh dup (?) ; Uninitialized data after all initialized data
ends myData
myStack segment para stack 'stack'
; Leave blank, this will allow the stack to
; to use the full 64k segment
ends myStack
end start