How is this done without violating the same-origin policy? I have tried, unsuccessfully, to use a website like but it does not work. How do I make this happen?
Well, it turns out that YQL doesn't work anymore, but we won't let that stop us.
It turns out that there is a free service called CloudQuery that we can use to accomplish the same thing quite easily. Unfortunately, there is a very low limit to the number of calls you can make over a period of time.
var myUrl = "*:nth-child(2)%20%3E%20*:nth-child(1)%20%3E%20*:nth-child(1)%20%3E%20*:nth-child(1)%20%3E%20*:nth-child(1)%20%3E%20*:nth-child(2)%20%3E%20*%20%3E%20*:nth-child(1)";
fetch(myUrl).then(r => r.json()).then(r => {document.write(r.contents[0].innerText)});
It turns out that Yahoo's YQL (Yahoo Query Language) can use XPath to find elements of a page's HTML online.
Simply include the following in your document:
<div id="a"></div>
var yqlCallback = function(data){
var rep = data.query.results.div;
document.getElementById('a').innerHTML = "StardustGogeta's reputation is "+rep+'.';
<script type='application/javascript' src="''%20and%20xpath%3D'%2F%2Fdiv%5B%40class%3D%22reputation%22%5D'&format=json&"></script>