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rapidxml using the where() function

How is it I use the where() function?

    using namespace rapidxml;
    xml_document<> doc;
    std:string xmlfile = "test.xml";
    std::ifstream file ( xmlfile );
    std::stringstream buffer;
    buffer << file.rdbuf ( );
    file.close ( );
    std::string content ( buffer.str ( ) );

        doc.parse<0> ( &content [ 0 ] );

    catch ( rapidxml::parse_error& e )
        std::cout << "Parsing error: " << e.what ( ) << "\n";
        //const Ch* e.where ( );

got the what() but was looking to get some kind of indicator from where() like the last node that broke the xml?


  • To use the RapidXml where() metohd, try something like this:

    std::cout << e.where<char>();

    Because where returns a pointer into the raw XML data, it's a templated function. You can use the returned pointer and the original data to determine a line and column position by counting newlines.