I want inject current user to my topic
model and make some checks.
export default DS.Model.extend({
currentUser: Ember.inject.service('session-account'),
text: DS.belongsTo('string'),
userId: DS.attr('number'),
isMine: function(){
return this.get('currentUser.data.id') == this.get('userId')
Question: Is it preferable approach to do this logic? Also I'm interesting about performance of this approach, inject service to each row may cause performance degradation?
You definitely can do this, but depending on what you have in currentUser.data it might not be optimal, or not produce the expected result. If currentUser.data is a ProxyObject (DS.PromiseObject) or promise it can cause the computed property to be counted more times then you intend it.
Moreover object.get('x.y.z') can produce unintended results especially if x or y are promises, be careful with chaining properties in get
If currentUser.data is DS.PromiseObject you are better of implementing the computed property like this:
export default DS.Model.extend({
currentUser: Ember.inject.service('session-account'),
text: DS.belongsTo('string'),
userId: DS.attr('number'),
isMine: Ember.computed('currentUser.data.id', 'userId', function() {
model = this;
promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
resolve(currentUserData.get('id') === model.get('userId'))
return DS.PromiseObject.create(
promise: promise