My JavaFX app is working when executed via the JavaFX Eclipse plugin.
But when I try to embed it into my web project, it is not being rendered properly and after a while a black rectangle is loaded in it's place.
Here is the code for loading my JavaFX Application:
<script src=""></script>
codebase: "/applets/",
archive: "HelloApplet.jar",
draggable: false,
width: 250,
height: 80,
code: "hello.HelloApplet",
name: "HelloApplet"
And here is the code for my JavaFX App:
package hello;
// some imports here
// ...
Stage {
title: "My Applet"
width: 250
height: 80
scene: Scene {
content: Text {
x: 10 y: 30
font: Font { size: 24 }
fill: Color.BLUE
effect: DropShadow{ offsetX: 3 offsetY: 3}
content: "Hello World!"
} // Text
} // Scene
} // Stage
In my web project i have placed the generated HelloApplet.jar into:
but to no avail it is still not loading what am i doing wrong here? am i missing something?
Is it possible to enable any logging while loading the applet?
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar enough with JavaFX to help you with that, but you can view the console so you can see the stack traces and everything by enabling it in the Control Panel (if you're using Windows):