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How to split a Torch class into several files in a Lua rock

In my recently aided in the development of a Dataframe package for Torch. As the code base has quickly doubled there is a need to split the class into several sections for better organization and follow-up (issue #8).

A simple test-class would be a test.lua file in the root folder of the test-package:

test = torch.class('test')
function test:__init() = {}

function test:a()

function test:b()

Now the rockspec for this would simply be:

package = "torch-test"
 version = "0.1-1"
 source = {
    url = "..."
 description = {
    summary = "A test class",
    detailed = [[
       Just an example
    license = "MIT/X11",
    maintainer = "Jon Doe"
 dependencies = {
    "lua ~> 5.1",
    "torch >= 7.0",
 build = {
  type = 'builtin',
  modules = {
      ["test"] = 'test.lua',


  • In order to get multiple files to work for a single class it is necessary to return the class object initially created and pass it to the subsections. The above example can be put into the file structure:


    The luarocks install/make copies the files according to 'require' syntax where each . signifies a directory and the .lua is left out, i.e. we need to change the rockspec to:

    package = "torch-test"
     version = "0.1-1"
     source = {
        url = "..."
     description = {
        summary = "A test class",
        detailed = [[
           Just an example
        license = "MIT/X11",
        maintainer = "Jon Doe"
     dependencies = {
        "lua ~> 5.1",
        "torch >= 7.0",
     build = {
      type = 'builtin',
      modules = {
          ["test.init"] = 'init.lua',
          ["test.main"] = 'main.lua',
          ["test.Extensions.a"] = 'a.lua',
          ["test.Extensions.b"] = 'b.lua'

    The above will thus create a test-folder where the packages reside together with the files and subdirectories. The class initialization now resides in the init.lua that returns the class object:

    test = torch.class('test')
    function test:__init() = {}
    return test

    The subclass-files now need to pickup the class object that is passed using loadfile() (see init.lua file below). The a.lua should now look like this:

    local params = {...}
    local test = params[1]
    function test:a()

    and similar addition for the b.lua:

    local params = {...}
    local test = params[1]
    function test:b()

    In order to glue everything together we have the init.lua file. The following is probably a little over-complicated but it takes care of:

    • Finding all extensions available and loading them (Note: requires lua filesystem that you should add to the rockspec and you still need to add each file into the rockspec or it won't be in the Extensions folder)
    • Identifies the paths folder
    • Loads the main.lua
    • Works in a pure testing environment without the package installed

    The code for init.lua:

    require 'lfs'
    local file_exists = function(name)
       if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end
    -- If we're in development mode the default path should be the current
    local test_path = "./?.lua"
    local search_4_file = "Extensions/load_batch"
    if (not file_exists(string.gsub(test_path, "?", search_4_file))) then
      -- split all paths according to ;
      for path in string.gmatch(package.path, "[^;]+;") do
        -- remove trailing ;
        path = string.sub(path, 1, string.len(path) - 1)
        if (file_exists(string.gsub(path, "?", "test/" .. search_4_file))) then
          test_path = string.gsub(path, "?", "test/?")
      if (test_path == nil) then
        error("Can't find package files in search path: " .. tostring(package.path))
    local main_file = string.gsub(test_path,"?", "main")
    local test = assert(loadfile(main_file))()
    -- Load all extensions, i.e. .lua files in Extensions directory
    ext_path = string.gsub(test_path, "[^/]+$", "") .. "Extensions/"
    for extension_file,_ in lfs.dir (ext_path) do
      if (string.match(extension_file, "[.]lua$")) then
        local file = ext_path .. extension_file
    return test

    I hope this helps if you run into the same problem and find the documentation a little too sparse. If you happen to know a better solution, please share.