I'm trying to Inject a dependency into a controller which inherits from Umbraco's RenderMvcController and getting the error
No registration for type RenderMvcController could be found and an implicit registration could not be made. For the container to be able to create RenderMvcController it should have only one public constructor: it has 3. See https://simpleinjector.org/one-constructor for more information.
Below is my code to wire up the DI
var container = new Container();
container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new WebRequestLifestyle();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
container.Register<ICacheProvider, CacheProvider>(Lifestyle.Transient);
container.Register<ICacheService, CacheService>(Lifestyle.Transient);
This is an example of a class receiving the dependency, it inherits from a base class I wrote
public class NewsroomController : BaseRenderMvcController
public NewsroomController(ICacheService cacheService) : base(cacheService) { }
The base class extends RenderMvcController which is an Umbraco Controller
public class BaseRenderMvcController : RenderMvcController
public ICacheService CacheService { get; set; }
public BaseRenderMvcController(ICacheService cacheService)
CacheService = cacheService;
As you can see the base Umbraco controller does in fact have 3 different constructors
public class RenderMvcController : UmbracoController, IRenderMvcController, IRenderController, IController
public RenderMvcController();
public RenderMvcController(UmbracoContext umbracoContext);
public RenderMvcController(UmbracoContext umbracoContext, UmbracoHelper umbracoHelper);
I'm not sure how to get SimpleInjector to place nicely with this controller inherited from Umbraco.
Thanks in advance!
The exception message "No registration for type RenderMvcController could be found and an implicit registration could not be made" means that the RenderMvcController
type is requested directly from Simple Injector, while it hasn't been registered. A controller type is usually only requested by the DefaultControllerFactory
and it will only request a specific type when it gets a request that has the name of the controller in its url, as in: http:\\localhost\RenderMvc\3
Since you stated in the comments that the RenderMvcController
is only meant to be used as base controller, I find it suspicious that it is actually requested by MVC. I think you should look into that.
But it the use of this controller is really required, you can simply register it in Simple Injector like this:
container.Register<RenderMvcController>(() => new RenderMvcController());
There are ways to override Simple Injector's constructor resolution behavior, but I would advise against doing this, because it is an anti-pattern for components to have multiple constructors. It's wise to don't use a container's auto-wiring behavior on framework types (as explained here), so registering them using a lambda is the advised practice.