I'm trying to write a vertex shader that scales the size of the object. I've found many "solutions" to this problem, all to the tune of "expanding vertices along the normals" like so:
v2f vert(appdata_base v)
v2f OUT;
float3 norm = normalize(v.normal); //Unity 5 fix
v.vertex.xyz += norm * _Scaling;
OUT.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
OUT.normals = v.normal;
return OUT;
However, this does not work for objects with sharp edges, such as cubes. In the case of a cube it just makes the sides move directly out but the sides stay the same size thus you get an "exploded" cube:
Can someone tell me what I might be missing to get any object to scale properly in the shader?
you have the center, you also have the verticies position vector relative to that. You can find the magnitude of that and then scale that.