I have a giant MySQL database (about 1.2GB, Drupal installation) that I am working with on the Mac. On the Mac, I can import it and export it between various dev servers with no trouble.
Now, I am trying to import the database into MySQL on Windows 10. When I do so, I'm getting the following errors:
C:\Users\Patrick\Sites\devdesktop\omsearch>drush @loc.om sql-cli < ../output.sql
ERROR 2005 (HY000) at line 1253: Unknown MySQL server host 'want' (0)
C:\Users\Patrick\Sites\devdesktop\omsearch>drush @loc.om sql-cli < ../20160415dd.sql
ERROR 2005 (HY000) at line 3023: Unknown MySQL server host 'animal' (0)
These words "want" and "animal" are text in a user's profile, not MySQL server hosts. So, somehow, the SQL file is not being escaped properly for import on Windows.
I am not terribly well-versed in MySQL, but I know the following from the Drupal database configuration:
What I tried
I used Drush, the drupal command line tool, to export the database. This calls mysqldrump
and I used the default options.
I then tried mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8mb4 DATABASE -r DATABASE.sql
. This also gives the same error.
Example of the problem line
ifficultâ¦.Im try.I can speak Japanese.\r\n\r\nThe favorite thing is a movie and an animalâ¡','','plain_text'),('node','self_introduction',0,42898,64071,'und',0,'I would love to know people, specially
(This may not be showing up properly because it seems VIM is also having trouble displaying the characters.)
The problem was not with the export but with the importing command.
To import on Windows, I had to do this:
mysql DATABASE --default-character-set=utf8mb4 < DATABASE.sql
The important thing to add is the explication character set declaration: --default-character-set=utf8mb4