What I am trying to achieve is so that a marquee plays once when I click the button. My problem is that if I set the loop to 1 then it only plays once and then does nothing. My other problem is that it stops midway with my current code if I let go of the left mouse button. Or it stops where it was. Is there any way to make it either play once when the button is pressed and then play again whenever the button is pressed again and allow it to complete the loop completely. Here is the code, I am open to using java script instead of html. Here is my current code:
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" scrollamount="30" id="marquee" height="40">
<input type="button" id="gather" class="build" Value="play" onmousedown="document.getElementById('marquee').start()." onmouseup="document.getElementById('marquee').stop()" onload="document.getElementById('marquee').stop()">
You can use CSS keyframes and JQuery (or Javascript) in order to accomplish that.
In the example below, I'm using CSS rules to achieve the animation effect, and applying it adding/removing the span element from te DOM using JQuery.
Code example:
var marquee = '<span class="anim">+1</span>';
$('.anim').remove(); //remove the node if its there
$('.marquee').append(marquee); //append the node
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
.marquee > span {
animation-name: example;
animation-duration: 2s;
@keyframes example {
0%,100% {
50% {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="marquee"></div>
<button class="btn">Click here!</button>