I have question about calling next!
I wrote a code which has to count how many times a keyword occurred in my ArrayList; but when the loop in even number; it does not work!
I know there are many solved ones here; but I could not solve the error from my code. here is my code:
public static ResultSet getBins(Connection conn, String tableName){
ResultSet distinctBin = null;
try {
Statement distinctBinsSt = conn.createStatement(
distinctBin = distinctBinsSt.executeQuery("select bin, placedescr from " + tableName + " ORDER BY bin ASC limit 151");
}catch(SQLException e){e.printStackTrace();}
return distinctBin;
public static Map <String,Integer> placeDescCounter(ArrayList<String> binDescription ){
Map<String, Integer> wordCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
FlickrReader tagfileReader = new FlickrReader();
for (String placeTag: binDescription)
Integer count = wordCount.get(placeTag);
wordCount.put(placeTag, (count==null) ? 1 : count+1);
return wordCount;
public static ResultSet getBinInfo(Connection conn, String tableName){
ResultSet binInfo = null;
try {
Statement binInfoSt = conn.createStatement(
binInfo = binInfoSt.executeQuery("select bin, count(bin) from " + tableName + " group by bin order by bin ASC;");
}catch(SQLException e){e.printStackTrace();}
return binInfo;
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException{
Connection conn = connectPG();
String tableName= "tagcounterdebug";
ResultSet bins = getBins(conn, tableName);
ResultSet binsInfo = getBinInfo(conn,tableName);
String placeDescriptions;
List<String> placeDescription;
ArrayList<String> binDescriptions = new ArrayList<String>();
int bin =0;
int defaultBin = binsInfo.getInt("bin");
int binSize = binsInfo.getInt("count");
printDebug("loop conter " + (binSize - 1));
for (int i=0; i < binSize; i++){
bin = bins.getInt("bin");
placeDescriptions = bins.getString("placedescr").toLowerCase();
placeDescriptions = placeDescriptions.substring(placeDescriptions.indexOf("[")+1 , placeDescriptions.indexOf("]"));
placeDescription = Arrays.asList(placeDescriptions.split("\\s*;\\s*"));
HashSet<String> hashSetDescriptions = new HashSet<String>();//create a HashSet for tokens to calculate less
printDebug("****\n defBin: " +defaultBin + " bin: " +bin + "\n****");
Map<String, Integer> tagCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
tagCount = placeDescCounter(binDescriptions);
for (String name: tagCount.keySet()){
String key =name.toString();
String value = tagCount.get(name).toString();
System.out.println(key + " " + value);
This error comes up, because I limited the rows that I could get from the DB; and it couldn't go trough the loop.