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How to react on changes in one way bindings

In the following snippet:

        .component('myComponent', {
            controller : [
            bindings: {
               input: '<'

According to documentation - section "Components have a well-defined lifecycle" in order to monitor that the binding input has changed we could use $onChanges lifecycle method. I can't make it work.

Thi is how I am using it:

function MyComponentController() { self.$onChanges = function (changesObj){ // some code here } }

But the code doesn't even enter the fuction.


  • As we figured out in the comments, the issue was that the $onChanges hook (along with $onDestroy and $postLink) was not added until version 1.5.3 of Angular, and zatziky was using 1.5.0, which only implements the $onInit hook. Seems a bit strange for them to add such a big feature in a patch level release, but at least it was an easy fix.