Is there a way the following select
can have a pre-selected
club ?
<select ng-model="c.pilot.clubIdx" ng-options="club.idx as for club in c.clubs track by club.idx">
c.pilot.clubIdx = 2
c.clubs = { {idx: 1, name: "club1"}, {idx: 2, name: "club2"} }
The select-menu should show "club2".
Since the clubs are stored in a db and can be altered, I like to keep them only as references
on the pilots
SOLVED: removing track by solves the problem.
in the controller set the ng-model of the select to the value of the option you want selected. Something like : $scope.c.pilot.clubIdx = 2
or $scope.c.pilot.clubIdx = $scope.c.clubs[1].idx