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Compiler Optimizations effect on FLOPs and L2/L3 Cache Miss Rate using PAPI

So we've been tasked with an assignment to compile some code (we're supposed to treat it as a black box), using different intel compiler optimization flags (-O1 and -O3) as well as vectorization flags (-xhost and -no-vec) and to observe changes in:

  • Execution Time
  • Floating Point Operations (FPOs)
  • L2 and L3 Cache Miss Rate

After performing these optimizations, we've noticed a drop in execution time, which was to be expected, considering all the changes the compiler makes to your code for the sake of efficiency. However, we also noticed a drop in the number of FPOs, which while we understand that it's a good thing, we're not sure why it happened. Also, we noticed (and cannot explain) an increase in L2 Cache Miss Rate (increasing as the optimization level increased), but no significant increase in Cache Accesses, and almost no changes on the L3 level.

Using no vectorization or optimization at all produced the best result in terms of L2 Cache Miss Rate, and we were wondering if you guys could give us some insight, as well as supported documentation, literature, and resources which we can use to deepen our knowledge on this topic.

Thank you.

edit: The compiler options used are:

  • O0 -no-vec (Highest execution time, Lowest L2 Cache Misses)
  • O1 (Less execution time, Higher L2 Cache Misses)
  • O3 (Even less execution time, Even Higher L2 Cache Misses)
  • xhost (same order of -O3 execution time, Highest L2 Cache Misses)


While there is a small decrease in overall L2 cache accesses, there is a massive increase in actual misses.

With -0O -no-vec

Wall clock time in usecs: 13,957,075

  • L2 cache misses: 207,460,564
  • L2 cache accesses: 1,476,540,355
  • L2 cache miss rate: 0.140504
  • L3 cache misses: 24,841,999
  • L3 cache accesses: 207,460,564
  • L3 cache miss rate: 0.119743

With -xhost

Wall clock time in usecs: 4,465,243

  • L2 cache misses: 547,305,377
  • L2 cache accesses: 1,051,949,467
  • L2 cache miss rate: 0.520277
  • L3 cache misses: 86,919,153
  • L3 cache accesses: 547,305,377
  • L3 cache miss rate: 0.158813


  • EOF's answer has a good explanation for fewer floating point ops: -ffast-math style combining of operations, so I'll just answer the other part.

    The question has no info on what CPU microarchitecture was used, but at least it's tagged .

    On Intel CPUs, there is some logic to prefetch into L1, and more complex logic to prefetch into L2 (from L3 or main memory). Each core has its own L2, but lower levels of the cache hierarchy are shared, so it's the obvious place to put the main prefetch logic.

    If you're reading slower than the limits of memory bandwidth, your loads will hit in L2 because the hardware prefetcher will have already fetched those lines into L2. If prefetching can't keep up, you'll get L2 cache misses.

    Fewer wider loads instead of many scalar loads also means the miss % will be worse with vectors. (EOF's answer made this point already). This effect doesn't explain an increase in the absolute number of L2 misses, though, only (part of) the miss % change. Still important to keep in mind when looking at the data, though.

    From Intel's optimization guide (links in the tag wiki), Section Data Prefetching:

    Data Prefetch to the L2 and Last Level Cache

    Streamer: This prefetcher monitors read requests from the L1 cache for ascending and descending sequences of addresses.... When a forward or backward stream of requests is detected, the anticipated cache lines are prefetched. Prefetched cache lines must be in the same 4K page.

    • The streamer may issue two prefetch requests on every L2 lookup. The streamer can run up to 20 lines ahead of the load request.
    • Adjusts dynamically to the number of outstanding requests per core. If there are not many outstanding requests, the streamer prefetches further ahead. If there are many outstanding requests it prefetches to the LLC only and less far ahead.
    • When cache lines are far ahead, it prefetches to the last level cache only and not to the L2. This method avoids replacement of useful cache lines in the L2 cache.
    • Detects and maintains up to 32 streams of data accesses. For each 4K byte page, you can maintain one forward and one backward stream can be maintained.

    This is from the Sandybridge section, but the Haswell and Skylake sections don't go into any detail about changes to prefetching. They say "improved prefetching", but presumably it's the same basic design, just with better heuristics and/or better tuning for the existing heuristics, and stuff like that.

    Thanks to @HansPassant: his comment on the question made me think of prefetching not keeping up.